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Quiet Quitting: A First-Generation Latina Perspective on the TikTok Trend

Updated: Nov 9, 2022

As we continue to transition to normal work practices after COVID-19, millennials and Gen Z are continuing to quit jobs that are not meeting their desired workplace environments and workload. It makes sense, at the beginning of “adulting” you are already overwhelmed, and then a pandemic hits and you are provided space and alone time to reassess your meaning in life.

I mean I wouldn’t want to go back to working in a cubicle after you were able to wear your PJs all day. But on a more serious note, our priorities changed during the pandemic and we started to place more value on our self-care and values.

It can be understandable that the workplace norms are no longer relevant to millennials and Gen Z that value autonomy, independence and understanding.

In September 2021, nearly a quarter of workers ages 20 to 34 were not considered part of the U.S. workforce—some 14 million Americans, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, who were neither working nor looking for work.

That is a luxury for those individuals that are not working or looking for work. Many people of color and first-generation professionals are not able to be unemployed.

What happens when you need the job? I mean someone has to pay the bills.

What happens when the lifestyle and career you desire are not your reality?

What happens when you need more salary, and you just keep getting barriers from management?

Well the truth is, that is what gives birth to the term “quiet quitting” on the latest TikTok trend.

What is Quiet Quitting?

Quiet quitting isn't quitting your job entirely. It's the act of just doing what you need to at work to get the job done, receive a paycheck, and go home – nothing more and nothing less.

A First-Generation Latina Perspective on the TikTok Trend

As a First-Generation Latina, at first I was confused at the newness of the terminology and high recognition of it within social media and news outlets.

I mean I have “quiet-quitted” a couple times in my career and know other people of color that have experienced the same thing. When environments don’t embrace inclusiveness, respect and acknowledge our achievements, then we just “quit”. This can be a norm to become numb to the toxic work culture and employees embrace the “quiet-quitting” culture to get by.

We QUIT the notion that we have to overwork, overcompensate and take on more to be considered for a job opportunity. Especially, when the environment is not supportive of growth and dealing with racial inequities and microaggressions adds to the toxic environment.

I have worked in departments that didn’t embrace my career advancement and no matter how much I tried to be above par, it wasn’t considered. What was considered was seniority, and I could never meet that as a young first-generation professional.

So what do we do, we suck it up as Latina First-Generation Professionals.

We stay and we keep going to work to complete our tasks, but quit from bringing our full skills and talents to the table of a company that doesn’t appreciate our efforts.

Instead of a career that excites you, it becomes a job that you check into.

Why you should not stay a “Quiet-Quitter” as a First-Generation Professional?

  1. You have potential and your talents deserve to be seen and acknowledged.

  2. The longer you stay dormant in your job, the harder it is to find confidence when you are ready to leave.

  3. Hustle Cultura is not real. The harder you work, does not necessarily mean that you will advance. Some environments are not conducive to growth. But that doesn’t mean that your expertise won’t be valued somewhere else without needing to hustle to earn it.

  4. Your parents didn't raise a quitter.

What should you do if you are currently a “Quiet-Quitter”?

  1. Don’t burn any bridges. Being a “quiet-quitter” is not having a complaining and rude attitude throughout the day. Don’t lose your job, before you know your next steps.

  2. Find another opportunity. Yes. You deserve to find an environment that brings fulfillment. Work with me as a Confidence Coach if you need extra career guidance in a supportive environment.

  3. Update your Resume & Cover Letter. Make sure that you are intentional about what you offer and what you are looking for. This will help you ensure that you aren’t just stepping into another toxic work culture.

Attend the upcoming Career Success Bootcamp to help you develop confidence in the career planning, job hunting and salary negotiation process as a first-generation professional.

What are your thoughts on #QuietQuitting? Comment below.

Live your worth,

Cindy Alvarez

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